Analyze bus reqm’ts & design sys. Provide full life-cycle support, implmt & configur’n. Dev & enhance meta-data. Resp for implmt of redes repor’g & plan’g process, change mgmt & train’g of staff for sucssful depl’t of new proc & sys. Identify key bus metrics, plan’g & report’g req, des & dev plan’g models, & implmt new perf report’g, plan’g & forecasting process. Create Interactive Reports. Manage sec priv’s for each subject area & dashboards accor’g to user req, & setup role based visib’ty of Dashboards to users & bus analysts. Work w/UNIX shall scripts for job exec’n & autom’n. Interact w/mgmt to identify key dim’s & meas’s for bus perf’ce. Perform other relavent duties.
Jobsite: Herndon, VA (DC Metro area) or may change to other sites in US as required.
SALARY: $65,000.00 PER YEAR
Attn: Job Ref#: GUR 84622
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